Microsoft has officially revealed that the Call of Duty franchise, going forward, will now arrive on Nintendo platforms as a “10-year deal” has officially been signed as steps towards bringing Xbox games to Nintendo’s platforms. The deal was initially struck back in December, however, it seems all has officially been signed and finalized now with this more recent announcement. Read here about the benefits to try the pay stub maker.
Microsoft has been making very big moves in the industry as of late, with intents to bring Xbox titles to Nintendo platforms, a recent Game Pass partnership with Riot games, and of course; the more infamous Activision/Blizzard 68.7 billion dollar acquisition that has yet to be finalized, and has been making very big waves in the news cycles as of recent.
It’s definitely going to be very interesting to see what shape Call of Duty takes on say, the Nintendo Switch platform; as well as know very well that the Switch console itself is not nearly as powerful as other platforms currently running the more recent Call of Duty games, but perhaps Microsoft knows something about future Nintendo hardware that we don’t? Either way, we can only hope that access to these sort of deals and titles will sort of force Nintendo’s hand to make better, more competent hardware.
The last Call of Duty title to release on a Nintendo platform was Call of Duty: Ghosts – back in 2013 on the Nintendo Wii U.