I should probably say right off the bat that I know very little about the Beyond Good & Evil franchise, and have never played the original; so with that said, my insight and thoughts on Sony’s recent reveal of the prequel will be solely based off my impressions for really seeing the game for the first time.
HOLY SMOKES THIS GAME LOOKS AMAZING! That was literally the only thing going through my mind when Sony presented the reveal trailer for the game during E3 2017 Press Conference yesterday. While the visuals were amazingly stunning, I must say the humor and the overall dialogue of the trailer in general is really what hit me the most. I don’t think I’ve heard that many f-bombs dropped since middle school, but that’s besides the point.
As stated above, Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a prequel to the original game, which sort of makes me wonder why the title isn’t called “Before Good & Evil”, but with that said, I think it’s safe to say that the games story elements will be much different than what was present in the original title. The story as a whole looks so much more grand, as it seems the team of Heroes are setting out on a quest in search of something which will provide them “freedom.” While a lot of what the main motive of the game was seemed pretty vague in the trailer, it definitely didn’t have much of an impact at all on my overall perception of the presentation of the title – I cannot freaking wait for this game!
While the title doesn’t have a release window quite yet, I think anything after Q3 of 2018 is likely, but who knows. All I can say right now is check out the trailer if you haven’t done so yet! Watched it already? Then watch it again! And a third time for the road! I promise, you won’t regret it.